I’ve decided to write this article to be honest in what we do and how it impacts our lives and lives of our clients.
First of all, I want to say that we like to be a Coordination Center, because this is the best reflection of our cooperation with intended parents during the process. We are a personal guide and a friend at every step, from the beginning till the end of the process. It is really not all about the money, but about the quality of services. The word “service” has a very special level of sense for us, - service is equal to “care”. Our couples say that they don’t even feel that they are having business meeting or are during some serious stressed activity, they say they feel like having a holiday with good friends. It happens because we don’t feel we work, we feel we help and receive the most positive emotions and satisfaction from what we do. Every person in our team, from director to driver are people who like what they do.
We are among top surrogacy agencies in Ukraine because of the proper understanding of the issue. The right combination of care and experience puts us among the best surrogacy agencies in Ukraine in terms of best quality of service with lowest surrogacy cost.
The “hard to choose” situation
Because surrogacy and IVF business is rather profitable today, each year brings new novice agencies to choose from and it becomes harder and harder for intended parents to make a right decision. A decision which will bring them to success fast, without too much stress and for a fair price. The toughest part of that decision is the point of trust. Obviously, you can’t trust every advertisement or slogan. You can’t trust everything said or written in such an important case. And it is extremely hard to learn, compare and analyze everything. The amount of information is huge! Many couples make their way through tons and tons of forum pages to get to the core beneath the layers of advertisement promises and win some battles within to finally begin their quest for a new life. We know how hard it is and we know what some promises are worth. There are many new agencies without real experience and without deep understanding of the work who pretend to be experienced only to make money in a newly discovered field of activity. Moreover, even some good old ones can’t keep their quality standards anymore. While working in this field for many years, we regularly hear stories, which make us angry towards some clinics and agencies and sorry for their clients. What makes Perfect Surrogacy exceptional among all the others? We have some detailed articles on our website about this already, but if we get to the essence, the short answer would be “quality over quantity”, “true goals” and “specialists over clinics”.

Quality over quantity
It may sound like something insane, but I’ve decided to keep our clients flow low. 5-7 clients per month at maximum. That’s why all the emails and questions are answered very fast. We are not in constant chase for the quantity of clients and the money, because we think it would inevitably degrade the quality of services. We want to keep things simple and under control. We want to establish for every clients’ fertility journey an easy and perfect plan! We can and we do! We are constantly looking for things that still can be improved. That is why our organization is called Perfect Surrogacy! That is why I have founded it and I’ll do everything to keep it that way. Almost in any work or activity at the end it’s all about the people. You need the right people to do the right things right. In this case experience and inner goals are what really matters! Our managers are like all-in-one specialists in the field of IVF and surrogacy! In the majority of situations, they don’t need to ask anybody to answer any question. So far we are not planning to get bigger and to attract more clients. Perfect Surrogacy Coordination Center is not using paid advertisement at all. We don’t do any advertisement on the internet, we don’t even promote our website. Our clients come from their doctor’s referrals, friend’s advice or finding us in google search, directly from our website or YouTube channel. Reputation is everything. Good reviews and personal recommendations can do miracles! We will not expand until we are sure that the quality will not degrade, until we are sure that we have enough right people with the right experience and motivation.
True Goals
There is nothing wrong in making money. After all, you can’t live without it and its fair to get a reward for your work, but when the need for money stands at the first place, as the highest priority it often (if not always) makes things worse. Any work depends on this very much. The results and the process depend on this very much, we can see it by looking at some of our competitors. I personally deeply believe that for the good of everything, the priorities here must be different. It is always better when one loves what he does, when he has passion for it and when his work makes him happy. It’s best when one makes money by doing something that he loves. Not only the result, but even the process. I think it is the only perfect way to do a good job. I love what I do, I am happy to help my clients and I feel like a happy, mighty winged angel, capable to do everything and even more when I communicate my clients the good, long-awaited news about their newborn child! I am happy when I watch the children grow on the photos my clients send me and I am proud that I have been a part of their story. I am proud of what I do most when there is nothing that could be done better and so are my coworkers. This is our true primary goal. To make every clients’ fertility journey successful, easy and pleasant and to do it better than anybody other. We love what we do, we know our goal is true.

Specialists over clinics
Probably the most popular questions we get is “What Ukraine surrogacy clinic are you working with?” Usually people are looking for famous and popular clinics with good reviews and reputation. Off course, it is a right thing to do, but reality is a bit more complicated. There are many good clinics, with good equipment and management, but what really matters here and impacts success the most is the specialists. In any work it’s always about the people at the end. After all it were these specialists who made those clinics popular and successful. And the specialists sometimes change their place of work for some reason. For example – a good doctor is working for some time in some reproductive clinic and makes a good success rate for this clinic, this fertility clinic becomes famous, but this doctor goes to another facility or opens his own reproductive center. Now you can see why our practice and experience have led us to a decision to work with the best specialists at the first place. In IVF or surrogacy field you never can tell about its success by the name of the clinic, but we can tell by the name of the doctor! Among our doctors there are the best specialists, like reproductive professors of international level. Their experience and professional level are priceless! We are interested in working with such professionals. Think about this – it is quite favorable for us to work only with the best, because we are extremely interested in a high IVF success rate for our clients. We want every program to be successful!
Thanks to my work I have a chance to communicate with a significant number of interesting and amazing people from around the world, trusting us their dream! Isn’t it inspiring, when a totally unacquainted person tells you after one hour of communication: “I trust you, it seems you know what you are doing”. At this moment, you understand that it was worth it, all the hard work and emotions that you are putting into the process.

I want to wish to all of the readers and future parents happy holidays and the best wishes for the new 2018 year!
Best regards,
Anna and Team of Perfect Surrogacy Coordination Center.