Anna Lisnichenko
Founder, Head-Coordinator, Fertility Assistance Specialist, Surrogacy Lawyer, Certified Interpreter (English, German)
Anna is the founder, owner and the Head Coordinator of Perfect Surrogacy Coordination Center. Civil lawyer, specialized in reproductive law and most difficul legal cases of obtaining passports and citizenships with Embassies of different countries, fertility assistance specialist since 2012, certified interpreter for German and English. Anna started her career as a translator and manager in a Kiev reproductive clinic and has started and developed the department for international clients. Becoming the head of department in a few years she has opened many destinations such as Spain, USA, UK, Australia, Ireland, China, Canada and others. During this time, seeing many things that could be impoved the Perfect Surrogacy Coordination Center was founded.

Ievgenii Dorinsky
Head of Logistics Department
Ievgenii is a man of sharp and organized mind. Everything he does is done with great order, responsibility, and devotion. He stands behind the technical and documentary organization of IP's visits to Ukraine, guides and supervises their stay in our beloved city. Apart from that, he is also responsible for searching for our precious surrogate mothers and guiding them during the programs with great care. He is open, kind and communicative.

Natalia Yakovleva-Sharavina
Medical Doctor, Head of Medical Support Department
Natalia is a medical doctor and coordinates the medical part of the process, gestation period and supervises the fertilization process in the clinic. Natalia is a very kind and loving person with high communication abilities and with a great wish to help infertile couples and feels every case deeply. She speaks English.

Katerina Yarovaja
Surrogate Mothers and Egg Donors Coordinator
Katerina is a specialist for contact with surrogate mothers and egg donors on the initial stage, she is the one who processes the requests and communicates with the candidates on early stages. Katerina has a big experience in communication with potential surrogate mothers and a very reputable person in the surrogacy community of Ukraine. She always finds the best candidates for our programs. Katerina has 2 higher educations in mathematics and economics, she is a person of a sharp mind and kind heart.

Anna Beskromna
Surrogacy Programs Coordinator, Surrogate Mothers Coordinator.
Anna is a a certified english translator, she provides support for our surrogate mothers 24/7, provides updates on surrogacy proggrams for the intended parents, assists with translations with medical and legal documents. Anna is a very responsible, likable and sociable person with a big heart!