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man making calculations with a calculator at a desk
  1. In case a client wants to end the coordination agreement before the first visit to the clinic, the first payment will be refunded 50% of the amount.

  2. In case a client wants to end the coordination agreement after signing a contract with the clinic, before the procedure of fertilization, the first payment is refunded 10% from the amount.

  3. In case a client wants to end the coordination contract after signing a contract with a private clinic and after the first fertilization procedure, the first payment is not refunded.

  4. In case a clinic stops the client’s program for any reason before the first fertilization procedure (that is highly unlikely to happen), Perfect Surrogacy refunds 80% from the first payment. The reason for stopping the program from the side of the clinic can be medical tests come out with bad results. The clinic makes it's own retesting on the day of the appointment. Perfect Surrogacy coordination manager prepares Intended Parents with all medical tests before your first visit, so this situation is highly unlikely.

  5. Any other refunds from Perfect Surrogacy after the first fertilization procedure are not possible.

  6. Refunds from the second and next payments depend on a certain clinic refund politics and such refunds are stated in the clinic agreement.

Situations that can lead to end of the coordination agreement:
  1. Impossibility to contact the client for 1 month from the first visit.

  2. Negative or aggressive attitude from the side of the client. Our team works only with positively motivated couples that trust our work.

  3. In case of life situations (e.g. divorce) that makes it impossible to proceed with a surrogacy program or health situation of the client which does not allow to proceed and is not determined by the Perfect Surrogacy Coordination Center, the agreement will end with compensation that will be set by the Center.

Anna Lisnichenko

Civil Lawyer, Fertility Assistance Specialist, Founder and Head-Coordinator

If you have any questions or need help choosing the perfect Egg Donation program package for you — don't hesitate to book a free video consultation!

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